Winter – one of the seasons


The winter here in the valley is quite mild, but is a Canadian winter none the less.  This is a view looking NW from the guest suite entrance, with Ellison lake in the distance.


The snow is light powder. Hime just pushes through it but it comes up past her belly.  She prefers a beaten-down path.


Have used more wood than expected, mostly in the shop.  As about 2/3 has already been converted to heat, next year I will need to cut and split a lot more.  It is good fun and great exercise.  I have several dead or fallen trees that I will tackle first.  The fellow who did the environmental assessment of the property suggested strongly that I also thin out many of the groves of trees so there would be less competition for the remaining ones and they would be healthier and would grow larger faster.  Bottom line is we should have lots of firewood for the next and subsequent years.


When I finally got around to putting the chains on the bobcat, I forgot about putting on the bungee cords to keep the chains tight. After they came off a few times, I remembered about the cords.  Since then, they have worked like a charm, as has the bobcat (touch wood).  As I write this, I am looking out on another 10cm of powder snow that fell during the last 24 hours.  Enough of a good thing already.

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