Windows 10 vs Chatterson 37.


37 windows in total on the house and garage/shop.  29 have now been trimmed out with 8 left to do.  Some were done in pvc, some were done in fir painted white (3 coats).  Cannot tell the difference from 2 metres away.

Finished 7 of them yesterday, working off the roof in shorts and a t shirt (23 above :)) and am planning on doing the rest over the next few days.  Most of the main floor interior window trim has been completed.  We have started on the basement and upper windows (the returns and sills) but the walls will need to be painted before we put on the final face trim.


The bottom windows were done by the Hardie Board guys, while I did the upper ones yesterday.


I was able to peck away at the rocky bank beside the shop and create enough room for the ATV. The plan is to dig it out some more and level/pack it down before winter. Might even be a good place for the Bobcat.


Have also realized that I will not get the two porches done this fall. Coop was kind enough to put in a porch/step off the dining room which inspired me to build a front porch. This will give us a flat, cleaner and dryer entrance until we can get the cement or interlock work done next spring.  The wood leaning up against the house is fir flooring which I need to move upstairs.

Weather has been great with warm sunny days (plus 20) and much cooler nights (about 5).  The Okanagan Wine Festival starts today.  cheers.

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