Window Trimming


This is a bit of an experiment. Am putting crushed rock and some thin slabs of concrete left over from a pour in front of the garage and then dropping some sand over it and then driving over it. Will see if this works to build up a harder surface and enables us to drive the car into the garage (after I use up some of the wood that is filling most of it).  Am also continuing a moverocks and backfill in front of house but this work is going slow as it is hard on my legs.


These are the garage lights that go on/off and dim with the remote in my hand. Can operate from house, inside garage or car. Slick.


The next three photos are of the window trim on the garage window. This is the 3rd and likely final version that we will use in the house.  Painted trim on 3 sides and oiled fir sill.




And this is the fir door that Cam and I built. Finally go around to assembling it. Next step is some sanding and oiling. It is a very very solid and heavy door.  Weather continues to be great but we really could use some rain – it is really dry.


3 thoughts on “Window Trimming

  1. Nice combination! Will u also do natural wood baseboards with painted door trim? Natural wood all being horizontal may be a pleasing effect…especially in the larger public rooms. Maybe just paint the baseboards in the bedrooms! Cam says natural baseboards are more work! But, what else have you got to do Dave? ;.)

  2. Did my other comment disappear? Love the wood sills! Does this mean you’ll also do natural wood baseboard with white door casings? That would be awesome! have fun – Cam says thats a lot of work! ;.)

    1. Thanks for the comments. Hope to get a few more windows done before M’s family arrive in a week. Baseboards will need to wait but time/effort/effect suggest paint. Nothing else to do?:) Will be posting some news that suggest otherwise – wine and chainsawing, albeit at different times.

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