When smoke gets in your eyes


So, this is the normal view we see from the front of the house in the evening.


This is the view we have been seeing for most of the past week. A 300,000 hectare fire has been burning just south of the border for the past few weeks and the winds have been blowing it north up the valley. The burning and burnt area is more than 1/2 the size of Prince Edward Island. Another fire started yesterday south of Kelowna – you could see the glow in the sky last night.  Rain is finally in the forecast for tonight.


Bathroom door. Made of fir.  Weighs about 40kgs.  Needed four hinges.  Installed two days ago.   Mizuho’s mother (and sister, B in Law and nephew) all arrived last night. I committed to having doors on the guest bed and bath rooms before M’s mother arrived. Just made it.  Door handle to be installed in the future and trim around the door.  Visit is going great, not withstanding the smoke and cloudy skies.

guest bedroom

Guest bedroom ready for guests. Art on wall 2 hours before plane touched down. 🙂

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