What’s that smell?


Fires were burning across the lake last week – some 500 hectacres went up in smoke. Not much over there in terms of housing so no buildings were burned. But it reminded everyone of 2003 and the fires on the south east side of Kelowna in Mission where some 200 houses were burned. The gov has learned and now hits new fires fast and hard. Been really dry here but we had some rain last weekend which really helped. Forcast for mid-30s this week however, and no more rain in sight.


We had an undetermined smell in the house. I thought it may have been a dead mouse, but it turned out that the drain pipe for the eventual kitchen in the lower level had never been capped and some scents of the septic had been wafting up. Now fixed.

Was in Saskatchewan last week for 5 days to attend a funeral so progress on the house has been delayed. Will be working on backfilling, upper cabinets, drawers and window trim this week.

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