

This is the view from near the top of the property. That is Mizuho, Hime and me in the distance. The house is beyond the trees about 100 metres.  I am holding a can of bear spray as neighbours reported a black bear with two cubs in the area.  No worry, but better to be safe.


Sister Susan and Steve visiting from Vancouver. They brought their bikes on the back of their first generation Prius. Great to have them for 6 days – got lots done with Steve’s help and Susan’s painting skills, and had some time for touristy things and a few drops of vino.

kettle valley

They went for a ride in a nearby Provincial Park that has the roadbed of what was once the Kettle Valley Railroad. There are a series of trestles and magnificent views along some 25kms of the Myra Canyon portion, part of which was burned in the Mission fires of 2003. The roadbed is part of a 600km long biking trail

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