Trees and No Trees

When we built the house, we had to cut down 2 trees, which were piled to the south of the shop.  Last year, B in Law Steve and sister Susan cut a path through the trees and brush for the Bobcat.  Over the winter and the past few weeks, we burned the small stuff, cut up the larger trunks and branches, and moved the stumps over to the fence line where they will reside for awhile.  First photo is from last fall, 2nd is a reverse view from today.  We now need to split and stack the firewood, and use up more of the crushed rock so we can finish the clean up, start a garden, and build an equipment shed.



This tree is what one sees from the dining room. We have lived with it for 9 months but decided it needed to go.


Cam gave me a hand to fell it. We put the branches in a pile and the deer have been happily munching on them ever since.

tree cutting

And this is the view without the tree. The two brown trees in the distance will be the next to go.

no tree

These are the stairs that will connect the upper and lower areas.  I started on them this week because I need to get them built and to finish the rock retaining wall so that I can finish the backfilling and then dress with topsoil. Once this is done, my Bobcat road can be remade into the front and side porches.  I also extended the flat lower area by about 1/3 and am leveling it.


And this is where we were one year ago on St Pat’s Day

a year ago

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