The Snow


Kelowna gets an average of 60cm of snow per year. It usually falls a few centimetres a time, and melts within a few days. The past 2 days we got 40 cm. Dry powder snow. The most they have had here since the 1930s. That was 80 years ago. It is beautiful, but does cause problems when you are building. I spent 5 hours plowing the driveway yesterday, and another 2 today.


This is a snow covered tree outside our window. Looks like a cartoon character.


Thankfully, we had the roof on before it snowed. But there is snow everywhere. The roofer had to shovel off the roof before he could continue working.


Photo of garage and shop framed with trusses on. Might be awhile before I get the floor poured and am able to use the shop.

One thought on “The Snow

  1. 凄い雪ですね骨組みだけのはデイブの作業所とガレージですか?屋根を早く作らないと?テーブルと椅子の雪がきれいですね、植木に積もったのは目が有り面白いですね。

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