The countertop has landed (safely)

front - before

This is a view from the front entry. I placed 20′ of 4″ sewer pipe to run the water from the downspout away from the house and towards some trees and an eventual garden. The orange pipe is to run the hose underground from the spiget over to where it will be more useful.  The two propane tanks can be seen peeking above the  rocks (but will be eventually hidden by a japanese exterior screen) and the gas pipe can be seen on the left (now connected).

front - after

Same view but with a bit of dirt placed.  This area will be leveled out, filled with dirt and then some green stuff.

back yard - before

View of view wall.  Learned on Wednesday the compressor is an A/C compressor not a heat pump?!  Am rather amazed at the mistake. They will put in the correct one next week. This is also the area where I need to make a grade change of about 6′.

back yard - after

Same area with the addition of a few large rocks moved and placed by BobCat. A bit of a thrill pulling the large rocks out the pile, taking them down the drive and back up around the house, and then placing them with the BC on a slope.  The larger rocks lift the back wheels of the BC off the ground. So far so good.  Am going for the natural look.


Our new induction stove, that did not fit into the opening. I asked them to cut the right hand side countertop back 1/16″ but they cut the LH side instead. They had to grind/polish it back 1/16″ so the stove could slide in. After a quite arduous experience over several weeks, the entire countertop is now in, and all the appliances (save the hood vent) are installed and working.


Just after we had our first supper in the new kitchen, there was this double rainbow. I like these kind of symbols – very auspicious I believe.  Am taking a few days off to attend my nephew’s engagement party, and then back to work on Monday with landscaping, cabinets and maybe even some trim.

2 thoughts on “The countertop has landed (safely)

  1. Yo! Can you see the fires on Westside at night? I’ll trade you couple weeks of our weather for a couple weeks of yours!
    Good luck.

    1. We did. Lots of smoke during the day, and glowing sky at night. Had some rain a few days ago so that really helped. No more visable smoke. But the forecast is for +33 for the rest of the week, but going down to 15 at night. Went to Saskatchewan for a funeral last week but am back landscaping and cabinet building this week. Saw some photos on facebook – I believe Ben is taller than you. D

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