Sunsets and Snow

We get some nice sunset views as the sun goes down over Kelowna, the lake and the mountains in the distance.


We also get snow from time to time. We had about 10cm on the 24th of November, which is good news as Kelowna averages only one snowfall of 10cm or more each year. Total snowfall is about 60cms, but this usually comes about 5cms a time, and often melts in between snowfalls.  Up here on the mountain, everything is quite beautiful with the green evergreens and the white white snow.  And the snow stays very white as the air is quite clean up here.  Shall have to try out our new sport snowshoes.  The snow is courtesy of an Artic Air Mass that occasionally comes down from the North to give us much colder than normal weather.  It was -4 and sunny today, and -12 and dark last night – about 10 degrees lower than average.  Had fires going in both the stoves today, in the house and in the shop. 


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