Some Site Photos at the One Year Mark

I thought (prompted by a request by His Excellency) I would put out some photos of the house from different perspectives to mark the one year anniversary of the build. This is a view from just below the house of the back (view) of the house, in the direction of the view of Kelowna and the lake.  The heap of material to the left of the tree is the backfilling I am doing bit by bit – rock, sand and dirt.  It is about 1/3 done, and has a rock wall on the left to address the 2 meter difference in elevation.


This is a view late in the afternoon of the back of the house and shop/garage.  The area in front of the garage and shop will be left natural while the area in front of the house and between it and the garage/shop will have some shaping done.  There will be a porch off the dining room next year and some landscaping done (according to the plan/hope)

house and shop

This is the least attractive view of the house, seen as you approach it coming up the driveway.  There is more texture in the green stucco than shows in the photo.  In the fullness of time, I will be making a stone wall in the area in the foreground and will fill it with dirt and plantings to bisect the two driveways.  The two propane tanks will be screened with some Japanese screens I bought many years ago.


This is a view along the back (view) of the house.  To the left (and not in the photo) is the entrance to the guest suite, to the right is the rock wall supporting the upper level in front of the living room.  Behind me will be the terrace for the guest suite.


View of the front of the house.  The property continues behind me for 300 meters and rises about 50 meters.  Mostly large trees and meadows.


View of the winery nearest to us, just down the hill. We were there a few weeks ago for a fund raiser for dogs and cats and the grapes were all on the vines, which have now turned golden and look delightful.


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