Sept 15, 2018

Summer appears to be over.   We saw an all-time-low temp for yesterday at +14.  Only a few plums left but lots of pears and the apples are coming on strong as are the grapes.  Our neighbor’s vines are coming along well.  We are planning to help him with the harvest in about a weeks time – cutting the bunches of grapes and filling baskets which he will then move to the pressing floor.  He has about 5 varietals on 4 acres, and although he only planted 3 years ago, he is getting a very good crop.

Still enjoying the remnants of our French wine from our cellar. Bourgogne.  Ahh….

Have now landscaped around the garden shed – putting in rock walls, building up and leveling, spreading mulch – and have finished the double doors for the motorbike entrance.  Need to get some aluminum soffit material and install, and then install the trim and gable ends.  Also moved and filled the 2nd firewood shelter (cut up but not split logs seasoning for another year).  Still need to move some additional cut up logs for another year of seasoning. 

Should have some photos of some additional steel fencing, some polyvinyl fencing, and some additional leveling, and hopefully the beginning of the main front gate.  Am preparing (rock walls and filling with gravel and dirt and then leveling) the area behind the shop as well for planters I hope to build in the early spring. 

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