Sept 1 – Back to School

With the help of a friend, I have been cleaning up and organizing the site, as well as leveling the ground around the shed and moving rocks.  A flat tire on the bobcat has slowed things but shall be getting a new one put on the rim today.  The stacked fir tongue and groove will be used as planter walls next spring.  Coop and I installed the double doors on the back of the shed (photo next update) and M painted the fascia which is now ready to be installed, as is the corner trim.  Soffits will be next, but may not be this year.

Moved the sifter over and now again using it for dirt. My plan is to spread some excess crushed rock on the upper area and around the shed, and then put a few inches of dirt, mixed with some mulch, on top.  Should be smooth and well drained, I hope.

Fences between the two gates and the shop/house are now completed. Need to now build the front gate on the steps and the welded wire fence at the front of the house.

UBC asked me to teach a 3rd year course on trade policy this fall at the Okanagan campus.  As I thought I would regret missing the opportunity more than I would regret the work required to prepare the course, I accepted.  But much of the past three weeks has been spent creating the syllabus, readings and content. The first of 23 classes (40 students) is on Thursday.  A new experience that I expect will be both interesting and pleasurable.

Peaches are almost done, pears and apples are now out.

One thought on “Sept 1 – Back to School

  1. Is Professor Chatterson a promotion from Ambassador Chatterson. Retirement keeps you busy and gives you time to do the interesting things you always wanted to try.

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