S & S come to town and the drywall arrives

Lots happened last week.  Enjoyed some warm and mostly sunny weather.  View of the shop just after the drywallers installed the gypsum wall board. Scaffolding was lent by a neighbour.  Saw and dust collector on right – really happy with them.


Had 15,000 sq ft of drywall delivered with 4 guys placing it on each floor and separated into 8,9,10,12 and 14 foot lengths, and 54″ widths.  View of drywallers at work. They are doing really good work, but because they like to use large boards with few seams, there is likely more scrap than there would be if I did it (but will look way better).  They will finish this coming week and we will be ready for taping (after installing some temporary construction heaters).


We used up the left over insulation to provide some sound isolation of the laundry room, bathroom and utility room – installed with care and creatively by Susan and Mizuho.  Not sure if it will make a huge difference, but it will be an improvement.


Installed the last 3 pocket door frames. After they are drywalled, all I need to do is build the doors and install them (likely a winter project:)


Stucco guys continued to erect their scaffolding. They should be able to start the first coat later this week or early next. I think their motto is slow and steady.


Big news is that sister Susan and B in L Steve came out for 4 days last week to help out. Susan helped clean up the site and filled about 10 garbage bags. Steve was invaluable in doing some back framing around the stairs and fireplace, helping with the cedar soffits (finished on the weekend with Mizuho), and cutting and installing plywood framing strips for the garage door jambs. But the piece de resistance is the gap. Steve brought his chainsaw and Susan brought her energy and work gloves and they cut a swath through the piled-up fallen trees. I will now be able to get the bobcat around to the back of the garage/shop and house to backfill and landscape.


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