Phase 3 – Beginning of December


Dec 13 – Almost 2 months from beginning construction. Progress has slowed as the weather got warmer and sunnier. Still waiting for roof trusses. View of guest bedroom from living room. Mizuho’s den is on the far side.


View of basement, main and upper floor – main floor awaits some engineered wood for the tall wall. It arrived last week – now all we need are the framers back to put it up.



View of lower side of house and entry. Pat is inspecting.


Before the warm weather and sun.


View of main entry


View of garage and shop backfilled. Base of fractured rock taken from excavation topped with about 8″ of sand. Still needs to be compacted. Outside of garage and shop also backfilled part way. Bobcat worked well for this work. Most of the driveway was in good shape but parts got really muddy due to snow, freezing rain and frozen ground.

4 thoughts on “Phase 3 – Beginning of December

  1. Hi Dave, you look enjoying building work a lot in spite of snow and so cold weather among the beautiful nature and some big motor toys : )
    Hime is so cute and looks a severe inspector !


    1. Hi Hitomi – I am enjoying being outside for most of the day most of the days (except for a couple of cold days we had). Its now +3 during the day and about 0 at night. Still waiting for the roof trusses (:( but getting a head start on some stuff we need to have ready for early next year. Hime is a great help. D

  2. I can’t believe how fast it is going up (maybe doesn’t feel that way for you guys!) – and how great that Mizuho has her own den. I hope when I grow up I get to have my own den…

    1. Why would you want to grow up? Christmas came early this year for us – trusses are on the house (they forgot a few over the entry tant pis), the roof is about 2/3 sheathed (should be 95% tomorrow) and the roofers are coming on the 29th.

      Merry Christmas!!!!

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