Phase 1 – Final Site Prep

The next step was to improve the road (some blasting), and excavate the site (more blasting), trench a pipe up from the well, bring power in underground from the nearest pole, and put in the septic field.


This is a photo of the rock at the switchback where we needed to blast to make it larger and more level.


This is the improved entry from the road with the extended culvert. We needed to enlarge it to get the large trucks up. Works great now. 



This is the driller and excavator working on the shop blasting and excavation.



This shows the results of blasting for the garage.


We had to trench from the well up to the house – about 100 metres.

One thought on “Phase 1 – Final Site Prep

  1. Just a note to say that your comments are welcome, and there is a comment tab at the bottom of each section. David

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