One Year Anniversary

What a long strange trip it has been. After nine consecutive years abroad, we arrived back in Canada one year ago today, and started building the house 5 days later (the water and electricity had already been run up to the site). A voyage of discovery, learning, some frustration and loads and loads of satisfaction. Lots has been done but lots remains.

The exterior of the house is now pretty much all done, except for the front and back porches (post and beams will be prepared this winter) and the landscaping (a multi year project). Finished up the last of the window trim last week.

Much of the main floor is done but still need to build/install drawers and doors in the kitchen and two bathrooms, build cabinets for the laundry room, build two closets, build 5 doors, complete the window (90% done) / door (0%) / baseboard (10%) trim. The upstairs needs to have the fir floor installed, sanded and finished, two walls painted, window trim completed, and bookcases around the stair opening designed and built. Will also need to replace the construction stairs at some point. The downstairs needs decisions and actions on floors, walls painted, window trim completed and 6 doors built. And the stairs need to be covered in maple (currently just plywood).

We made a big push to be able to get into the house on July 1 (as our rental house lease expired then), and another to get ready for Mizuho’s mother’s visit in August, and then again in September to get some projects done before winter.  I now intend on slowing down a bit and focusing more on leisure activities.  On va voir.


Bought a cargo carrier rack for the ATV to carry the garbage bins up and down.

benches to be

When Steve (Brother in law) was here last week he cut up a log to make the first of about 10 benches I intend on distributing around the property.


This is a weird-looking cauliflower that we bought at the farmer’s market. Tastes very good.


This is also from the market – a Brussels sprout stalk.

One thought on “One Year Anniversary

  1. Hi David,

    You have made remarkable progress and, reading your to-do list I recall from our own experience with Yukoen how much is left to be done. The 80-20 rule always applies to these projects. But it is amazing how plugging slowly and methodically away can reduce the list in remarkable ways. You ask yourself “How did I have time to do all that?”

    Bon courage.


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