May 2020 – Busy, busy, busy

P and C trying out their new masks, made by a Japanese friend in Abbotsford.

Social Distancing, travel restrictions and the closure of most services have encouraged us to renew our attack on the to-do list, and to add some additional items. And the consequential cancellation of my birthday visit to Portugal and Paris resulted in an excellent celebration here with the last bottle of a Cote de Castillion that we bought en primeur in 2005, and a cake with the number of candles equal to the square root of my age.

A photo on the farm during university days – I think the only real change over the years has been in my choice of eyewear and somewhat shorter hair.

We spent a good part of the month designing and constructing a new rose bed and second patio area. I built the block wall for the roses and Coop and I placed and flattened the fill for the patio and then built the forms and placed the rebar. I also formed a ramp for the motorcycle/garden shed in case we had extra concrete, which we did.

Shed ramp ready for concrete with broomed finish
Had to dig down for bed to have 24″ of good dirt and mulch
Form and rebar in place, and Taisho has claimed the new space for himself.
Same guys who did the 1st patio 4 years ago did this one – placing concrete, troweling, spreading black and green colour, and stamping it. Two helpers wheelbarrowed most of the concrete.
The almost-finished product. Sloped 3″ one way and crowned the other way so water runs off. The umbrella is 10′ x 10′ and has screens that velcro on. Still need to build a bench/retaining wall on the right and some sort of trellis/pergola/gate between the new and old patios. Mizuho has planted several lavender plants she grew from seed between the patio and the planters.
Got another load of road base for the parking area and began to level it and the area beside the container that will eventually have a roof over wood storage and parking for Bob and the ATV.

Tried out my new kayak with a dozen friends on Kal lake – loved it and the boat. Cam and Klaus (the newest immigrant from Ottawa) came along for the paddle.
Irises and daisies growing wild in our natural garden, with Taisho peeping out.

May has been unusually cool and wet so we are expecting a much sunnier and warmer June. We will be shifting from work to leisure – motorbiking, kayaking and golfing – although we still plan to make some progress on outside landscaping – trees, shrubs, irrigation and possibly a retaining wall – and on the ever-elusive posts and railings for the stairs. We intend on continuing our caution and staying safe and hope and expect you will as well.

2 thoughts on “May 2020 – Busy, busy, busy

  1. While much is good in the air out here, one candle is obscured by another. You have good eyes for an old guy. 🙂

    Special edition of the blog at the end of this month.

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