May 1, 2018 – Spring has sprung

Spring has finally come to the valley, in all its glory.  Everywhere is green, with white blossoms from the bushes and fruit trees just emerging.  Had a nice visit from sister Susan and Steve, and got a few trees cut down and cut up.  Below is a good supply of firewood, nice and dry, for next winter.  It will all be split and stored this summer.  On top are bird houses made by S and S – very artistic.

Finally got around to cutting some brush and small deciduous trees so that this large rock face can be seen as one comes up the driveway. A bit more trimming to do.

And this is one of four large piles of branches too small to burn in the wood stove.  I plan to run them through a chipper in the fall to create some mulch.

The winter was long and with lots of snow in the mountains, 50% more than average. So there will be again some flooding lower in the valley.  This is a road a few hundred meters below us that we use quite often.

For the rest of the month, we are planning some golf, motorbiking, and fence building – the excavator is now planned for the middle of May.  And there are 11 cabinet doors awaiting final sanding, hinge installation, and then oiling.  The fun never stops.  And the music continues to distract in a good way – listening to Leon Russell these past few days.

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