Lumber Mill

Joined the Kelowna Newcomers Club and one of the first events was a tour of a local family-owner sawmill, Gorman Brothers.  They make 1″ by ?? for siding, trim and the Chinese market. A fascinating tour.  This machine takes the logs from storage and places them in a machine that cuts them to length, debarks them, and then slices them into boards.  A person makes the decisions but computers suggest the best use of a log.  Almost all the equipment in the mill was made in Salmon Arms, about 2 hours north of here.


A band saw blade is in the background.

man and blade

This machine cuts the squared log into planks. All the wood is used. They first cut large planks, then thinner boards, then shorter thinner boards, and they sell the bark for mulch and the shavings and sawdust for pulp production.


About 50 trucks a day get loaded with wood – they run two shifts 5 days a week. Was good to see what they do with all the trees around here.


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