Lights, exhaust fan, cabinets and netflicks – action!


Built a couple more upper cabinets, installed the range hood vent, and had roast lamb and a bottle of 1998 Bordeaux to celebrate. Both were excellent.  The white box above the fan is temporary but will remain until I get around to building a nicer enclosure for the vent pipe.  2016 at the earliest.  Bottom of cabinets is 17″ to facilitate Mizuho’s reach.  We have a solid selection of olive oil and vinegar as there is a really good shop in town that has a great selection.


Finally got around to installing the second door under the sink. Then had to remove it as that is where we keep the garbage and we don’t have any door handles yet.  We are enjoying the faucet – you can turn it off/on with a touch of your hand, arm or head on the tap.


Also finally got these two doors in the guest bath installed. They were built weeks ago but only made it on the daily to do list yesterday.


Had the electricians back to connect some cat 5 and cat 6 cables for computers and tvs. We now have Netflix and are enjoying immensely as we have not had a tv for more than a year. Now in the market for a tv.  This is where all the cables live, in the mechanical room.  Will need to do some organization.  Also got the timer for the exhaust fan hooked up, a 220 outlet in the garage switched over from 110 for an air compressor, and a few other electrical items completed.  There is likely another 4 hours of elec work to do sometime in late August or early September.


And these are the lights above the stairs going to the upper floor. Really happy the electricians did these as they used a 10′ step ladder and worked off the top. Pretty much all the fixtures are now in, except for the ceiling light in the master bed and the two uplights in the front entry.  Next year we will do the lights in the driveway and maybe a gate.

Had a little rain yesterday and this morning but really only enough to dampen down the dust.  Back to sunny plus 30 weather tomorrow and for the next few days.

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