June, 2021 – Hot, Hot, Hot

An unusual month. The 4 month dry spell continues with only 2 days of rain this month. And it has been hot – we are having a week of 40+ weather (that’s about 105F for you oldsters). This has resulted in slow progress on the outdoor projects (although I was able to split and stack at least 2 and maybe 3 winter’s worth of firewood). Have instead turned to inside work, including selling stuff on Facebook marketplace. Spent a great week at a friend’s holiday house in Canmore and pretty much had it and Banff to ourselves. Great fun and first holiday in a year. Went to Lake Louise on a Saturday and it was a bit busier. Bought a few kilos of local strawberries and hope the emerging cherries will be ok with the heat. Garden going gangbusters. And we both just had our 2nd vaccination.

View from the bridge beside the holiday house. Canmore is a great little town, at least during the week. Lots of hiking opportunities.
The hot weather encouraged Taisho to “blow out” his undercoat. He has been spending most of the day sleeping inside.
Digging out the slope beside the driveway and removing a tree that had been hit by lightening years ago. Will see how far I can dig into the hill. Should facilitate exiting the lower parking area, provide some firewood and clean up the site a bit.

Started building stairs to lead up to the new garden but the heat has postponed this work.

After our 2nd shot – the heart is filled with tp rolls.

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