June 2019 – Outdoors

Been busy cutting up the felled trees and splitting the wood cut last year.  Should have enough for 2 years now.
Also been busy moving dirt and rock.  This is almost the last of the terracing – layers of rock, dirt (screened through my trusty screener), and landscape fabric topped with mulch/compost so the road we built to make the fence is fairly level.  Once we figure out what we are doing with this area, we will punch holes through the fabric and plant something.  It may be more lavender.
Also had time for some fun.  Couple of golf games together, 3 days at a lodge on an Indian reserve where they let us take Taisho on the golf cart, our annual neighborhood sip and dine party, and another bike trip to New Denver with Coop to meet his buds from Saskatchewan.  Stayed at the beehives again.
Also biked up to Sandon again – a silver/lead mining town that once had 5,000 people, 4 hotels, banks, etc, as well as two rail lines run to the town and a water turbine power plant that provided all the power, and still does some 105 years later.  In the background are some of the 17 miles of wooden pipes used to bring the water down from glacier lakes.  These have recently been replaced by plastic pipes and are for sale cheap.  Just need someway to get them back to Kelowna.  Went to Vancouver at the end of the month to pick up Mizuho’s mom for a visit so the house project shall slow once again.  July 18 – just realized I forgot to post this.

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