July, 2023 – Rocks and Logs

Spent the long weekend spreading 3/4″ minus road base and tamping it with a compactor, followed by a few m3 of stone dust 2 cm deep. Three pallets of paver stones were delivered a few days later and I began to lay them, a few dozen a day.

Had a visit of sister and Bro in Law and cut down (and up) two firs and a dozen dead poplars. B in Law is very good at this. Moved the cut up fir logs to the drying rack and the branches to the chipping pile. The poplars are across the ditch from the road in a thick forest so I shall likely not get them all out until the fall and the logs/branches from the 2nd fir will need to be hauled up the hill. Also got 1 of the 2 power washers (from an auction) running.

This dying fir was cut down.

Visited the new aircraft museum (built by the founder of Kelowna Aerospace) – impressive CLT and gluelam timber beams and trusses and glass walls. Worth a visit. M got her first birdy and nearly three more. And by mid-July we had enjoyed various types of lettuce, asparagus, raspberries, apricots, peas, snap peas, carrots, onions, peppers, edamame, and herbs from the garden. Off later today to Scotland while our house/dog sitter minds the fort (and waters the garden)

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