July 15, 2018 – Wildlife, Garden Shed and Fencing

After a month of holidays, we got back to work. But we first had excellent visits by some blog readers – Eldon and Tina, very good friends of some 30 years from Ottawa, and John, a friend from university days, and France.  Coop and I then worked on the garden shed (which will also serve to store 2 motorbikes in the winter).  All framed and raftered – awaiting the steel roof panels I ordered; the installation of the rest of the siding that Mizuho has been staining (doing an excellent job on a great many feet of tongue and groove fir); the double door I need to build; and two windows and an entrance door that will be installed after the roof is on.  At some later stage soffits and trim will be added and interior shelving.

Fruit season is upon us, with cherries and berries (straw, blue, rasp) in abundance, to be followed soon by apricots and peaches.  We pick most of our fruit from our neighbor’s orchard – good people and fruit, minimal spraying, and the best prices in town.

Had several furry visitors the past few days – two bucks and two fawns on the lawn – and a great horned owl that is huge and hanging around in the lower part of the property, and eagles soaring around most of the day.  With all our flowers, we have also been attracting hordes of happy honeybees and a couple of hummingbirds each day.

Most of the end/corner supports for the fence are now up although I need to install another 4 supports.  Will be ordering the fencing material tomorrow.

Also working on the gates as I want them in place before I close off the yard with the fence – don’t want to trap a deer inside.  This one is a combination of cedar 2×4 and black painted grill and pipe.  The next one (beside the shop) will likely be welded steel mesh (2″x4″).  We will then decide which we like better for the final one at the front of the house.  In the foreground are wildflowers that have self seeded.

Forecast for the week ahead is for highs between 30 and 36 so work outside will proceed slowly.  Hope to finish the fence post supports, build/install another gate and a firewood shelter, and roof and side the shed in the next few weeks.  Neighborhood dinners, golf games and swimming in friends’ pools may slow things down a bit.

2 thoughts on “July 15, 2018 – Wildlife, Garden Shed and Fencing

  1. The shed looks a little smaller than the one I supervised the build on in Pine Glen years ago.

  2. Same size inside, smaller porch. We really missed your guidance and supervision on this one. As you can see, it has no roof and three walls are missing.

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