End of April

A week of plus 25 weather and lots of sun. Stucco guys have finally completed the paper and wire, and most of the first coat of stucco.  I expect another 2 weeks before they are done.  Siding guys had the siding delivered last week, so I expect them to complete their work next week.  It will be really nice to have the scaffolding gone so that I can start to do some of the backfilling around the buildings. Fixed up a couple of minor framing mistakes, the cedar in the entry wall, and some odds and ends. Lots of time spent viewing tiles, paint, countertops, etc.


Week 4 of the drywall taping and sanding. Brian is doing a good job, but taking longer than he should. He said he will work this weekend so that it will all be done by next Monday. I would not want his job.  The ceiling in the photo will get a skim coat (they call it level five) so that it should be impeccably smooth – light from the clerestory windows will show any imperfections.  We finally decided on the paint colours and the painters are scheduled to start next Tuesday.  They will spray primer/sealer on all surfaces and then Brian will then do a final inspection and fix any imperfections.  They will then spray/roll all the ceilings and give the walls on the main floor two coats.  About 6 days in total.

living room

Photo of the ensuite shower/bath area. The board is a special tile backer board. We have finally selected all the tile (except for the basement bathroom – that will come later) and the tilers start their work on May 13th!


This is a view of the rental house yard. The deer do not spook easily. They came under the fence in the background to munch on the grass. Hime is fascinated by them.


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