Eleven days to move in – tick-tock

master bedroom

Carpet laid yesterday in bedroom and guest bedroom. They were 1 yard short so shall have to finish up when the re-order comes in. Sigh. But it was well done. Colour is not pumpkin but rather a colour that evokes Daisuke’s coat colour.


Started on the maple hardwood today and will finish tomorrow. The company we got it from buys the raw wood, mills it into hardwood flooring, and then stains and coats it with an oil/wax covering. Ours is natural unstained maple so it has lots of colour variation, mostly from heart and sapwood wood I believe. Much of it is 8′ lengths and it is in random widths from 3″ to 7″.

living room

Another view of the wood. Needs a good dusting.


After 3.5 months, the stucco guys finally cleaned up their stuff and we regained the parking area.  A neighbour came by and picked up the pile of scrap wood and offcuts as well.  Still some pallets and a large pile of sand that will be used for parging and for backfilling.


And they finally finished the last wall of the garage.

The plumbers finished all the hooks ups of sinks, outside hoses, etc (but need to come back – hopefully tomorrow – to install one toilet, the dishwasher and the rain shower).  The tilers finished grouting the baseboard tiles in the two bathrooms.  The stove guys put in the fresh-air intake for the wood stove.  I built and installed the laundry counter and sink, did a bunch of odds jobs, and built the remaining flight of stairs to the upper floor.  These will be temporary stairs that will hopefully pass the inspection and will be replaced with some custom stairs once I have some time – perhaps Christmas, perhaps Christmas this year, perhaps not – on va voir.

After several months of warm sunny weather, we are getting a bit of welcome rain tonight – it smells really nice through the window.


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