Double the Fun

Former neighbours in Ottawa and good friends Cam (cabinet maker extraordinaire) and Elizabeth came out for a week to check out the house and ski in BC snow.  It was great to hang out with them.  We joined them one day at Big White (about an hour from here) which has had 8 meters of snow this year and has a 2 meter base.  Great day at a big ski area.  They are both excellent skiers.  Mizuho has some Angry Birds as ear warmers. 

big white

Two days later, we golfed at a nearby course – the course opened the last week of February.  So, we were able to ski and golf the same week, and will be able to continue to do so for at least another month.


A few hours after they left for the airport, I found this tree on the driveway.  It had been dead for awhile and was on my list of things to do.  It moved up a few notches.

falling tree

I quickly cut it up and moved it off the road. We will split and stack it in April.


My helpers.


Next on the list are outdoor stairs and backfilling, workbench for the shop, railing/bookcase for upstairs, installing bathroom drawers, and building some more drawers for the kitchen. And maybe a bit of skiing and golfing.

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