Coopie comes to town

Beautiful week of weather – valley turned green during the week. Coopie came out for a week to provide guidance and a helping hand – made lots of progress and had a blast. Stucco guy continued his paper and stucco.

Insulators worked on the house last week, and on the shop and garage this week. It only took them about a day and a half to do the shop/garage – R40 in the ceiling, R20 in the walls. Missing fascia delivered, Mizuho painted. Gutters put on. I decided I did not like having the garage wall door tracks hanging in the high ceiling so I got 2 12″ by 26′ long trusses and coop and I built the posts and installed. Will make a platform for storage after drywall.


Stucco guy, Matt, worked by himself. Brought his two large friendly dogs with him to work.


Bought a 3hp saw and 3hp dust collector used. Really good deal. Came with lots of attachments and guides.


This is the beam Coop and I put in. Went much easier than anticipated. Pleased with results.


An example of the spray foam. Building code changed as of Jan 1 but I was grandfathered because I got my permit last year. Most of what we are doing is at or above new code, but some elements are really expensive and rather questionable.


Coop and I got a lot done. We built the posts and installed the beam in the garage, started the cedar soffits, installed locksets on 3 doors, installed two exterior doors, re-installed two supports for roof, reflashed two pipe vents for plumbing, took out temporary beam at the front door and put in an temporary angle post which may well presage the final post. Inspector approved insulation and we decided not to apply for zoning variance to allow for a suite – long story.  Lots to do before all is ready for stucco and for drywall.  Stay tuned.  Another update in a week.


2 thoughts on “Coopie comes to town

  1. Wow!!!

    Your 3 HP saw and dust collector are not for biginners!!! Are you planning to start a furniture building shop?

    The house is taking shape very well and looks to be very well builted. At the speed you are building, the house will be finished in a couple of months. I guess the next step you will pass the summer landscaping?

    Good luck with the remaining work to do. I am sure that you must have great satisfaction to build yourself your own retirement dream house. Even Misuho is giving you a hand in the undertaking of building the house, that will also provide her great satisfaction of contributing in the building of your dream housse.

    Best regards

    Jacques & Louise

  2. Great to hear from you. It is quite an experience building a house. Mostly great. You and Louise should consider a cross Canada trip – we will be ready for visitors in about 6 months. Dave

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