Ch, ch, ch, changes

This is the time of the year when the weather changes from sun to cloud. This photo is of Kelowna but all one can see of it is the top of Dilworth Mountain and the mountains to the south of Kelowna.  It is rather nice looking down through the cloud and fog, which usually come from the humidity off the lake.  The price of warmer winters here is lots of cloud and fog.


These are some of the shelves and verticals for a book case that have been oiled and are drying in the garage.  Shelves were made of surplus fir flooring and maple plywood.


Have leveled and widened the far side of the shop and put down some crushed rock for quicker drainage. This is where the Bobcat will spend the winter, and where it and the ATV will live during the summer. Next year, I plan on putting up two cedar posts and a 16′ long beam to hold up a 12′ wide shed roof slanting away from the shop wall.

beside garage

Some live edge birch boards that I am jointing on the saw to make a wider top for the bookcase I am building.


Woke up yesterday morning to snow!  Way earlier than usual.  Thankfully, it was all gone by the afternoon.  Historically, we get 3 days of snow totaling about 10cms in November, but it all melts away before the snow comes and stays in mid/late December.


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