Birthday presents

So, its been busy on the hill. The Stucco guys have been working for 10 weeks (only one guy for most of it) and have finally completed the second coat. After the long 3 day weekend, they will start the final acrylic coat with the colour on Tuesday. Should take a week to complete. And then all they have left is the parging on the foam insulation on the foundation.

The painters finished priming everything, painting all the ceilings, and painting the walls on the main floor. They mistakenly bought Eggshell so had to replace it with the matte finish we had specified. It meant a 2 day delay, but also resulted in our getting about 10 gallons for $100. Will use it in the basement and in the garage and shop.

The tiles started as well. They work slowly, but do a good job. They should be finished next Tuesday.  The photo below is the ensuite shower/bath area after 2 days.


View of the guest bathroom – it is now completed except for the grouting.


View of the front room feature wall – matte charcoal. Sets off the architecture, I believe, and should be a compelling background for art and photos. Mizuho’s idea.


Bought some fir flooring from a mill that has gone out of business and is selling off inventory. This wood has been sitting in the warehouse for 5 years. It is beautiful clear quarter sawn vertical grain fir, mostly 8′ lengths.  Got a great deal on it and may buy some more to use as trim.  I will need to install it, sand and finish.


This gives a good view of the grain.


Next week we should have the stucco guys, the tilers, the siding guys back again to finish, the plumber to install many of the fittings, and the electrician to install fixtures. Will also start the build the kitchen and bathroom cabinets.  Bought some cherry hardwood, plywood veneer and some melamine for the boxes.  Busy busy. Weather in mid-20s and sunny every day. Neighbour just gave me a 1/2 box of Cohibas his mother-in-law brought from Cuba. Ahhh.

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