August, 2022 – Winnipeg!

Lots of little jobs around the property. Basement and power shack doors finally painted and the stain on the cedar gates and fence refreshed. Installed drapes in the basement guest bedroom. A delightful 350km bike ride (after getting a new battery). Major service for the ATV and finished the spa deck. Some success in an auction of the Campion Boat manufacturing plant (new investors from Alberta ran a 50 year-old successful business into the ground in 3 years and are moving the moulds to Texas). Shop vac, castors, straps, 2 pressure washers and 39 of these aluminum frames to be used in some as-yet-undefined future project.

Went to Winnipeg for 5 nights – 1st time for Mizuho (who loved it) and second time for me in 40 years – while sister and B in L took care of house and Taisho. Great weather, food, museums, zoo, parks, architecture, art, history – a city of culture with an appreciation of aesthetics and far more diverse than Kelowna. Saw only one mosquito. Drove by my old abodes – dorm, apartments, houses and the housing coop, Common Ground, I lived in during University. Highly recommend a visit to Winnipeg. Airport security in Kelowna and flight changes were irksome.

Museum of Human Rights . Spent 3 hours here and wowed by the architecture and contents.

Interior walkways in the museum
Enjoyed an immersive Van Gogh exhibit and the WAG and new Inuit art gallery
Toured the most impressive legislature buildings
Breakfast at the café in Assiniboine Park
A slice of the Exchange District – Several blocks built in the Chicago style about 110 years ago and remarkably preserved
Oomomo – An enormous Japanese goods emporium (one of two in the city)

We came down with covid a few days after returning and 5 days later are slowly recovering – like having a tenacious vicious cold. And Kelowna just enjoyed its hottest August ever, 3c higher than the previous record but forest fires in the province were few and far between.

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