Holes and Handles


So, back in December, I started to plumb and wire in the central vac. Part had to been done before we laid the joists over the slab on the main floor, but the rest could not be done until the basement and upper floor were framed in February. I thought I did it all correctly, but there was no way of telling until the system was hooked up. That happened a few days ago. I was a little anxious. We discovered there was a short, but had no idea where. I suggested to the installer we test 3 of the outlets on one circuit, and then the other two on the other circuit. The problem was with the latter. I then isolated it to the basement outlet. Before turning to plan B, I tested again the basement outlet because I could not imagine a short anywhere else. And I discovered that when I installed the face plate, I drove the screw right between the two wires. Freaky. We rewired the outlet and everything worked. Really good system – Cyclovac – built in Quebec. Works really well, especially in a dusty construction zone!

handle 2

We need to decide on some handles for the kitchen cabinets if I am going to be able to install the cherry drawer fronts. The choices are curved, similar to the stove, DW and fridge, or a bit more angular.

handle 1

This is the more angular option. Views?


DW handle.


Fridge handles.

upper cabinet!

First of four upper cabinets on the stove wall. Thanks to Cam for insights on how to install by one person.  Also, cherry nectar gable was also installed on the pantry wall.

Next steps are another 4 upper cabinets (going to get more melamine sheeting tomorrow) and starting on the window trim. Taking a break from the backfilling and my legs are appreciating it.  Fires in the valley have subsided, but it is hot (35 during the day, 15-18 at night) and dry.

6 thoughts on “Holes and Handles

  1. Nice to see the progress guys 🙂

    Keep up the good work, been thinking about you guys and those fires, stay safe!

  2. Thanks folks for your comments. We are going with the curves. And nice to hear from you Simon – I trust all is well and you are still enjoying Seoul. D

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