Monthly Archives: April 2024

April, 2024 – Seasonal Transition

We started the month off with a few days in Vancouver, with Taisho, and enjoyed a delightful dinner with my former Ambassador and his wife during my second posting to Japan. We transitioned from ski to golf season and worked on the garden. Got the ECU on the Audi tuned and am now enjoying close to 550hp and 550 ft lbs. Zoom zoom!

There are several dozen nests at the edge of Stanley Park in Vancouver, each with a pair of mated Herons – magnificent birds.

Spent quality time on the Bobcat scraping and back blading the driveway to remove the hardened asphalt to get ready for paving in early June. Rather ironic as I had spent the past two winters being very careful when I plowed the snow.

Before the scraping

And After

Dug out the unirrigated grass and weeds from around the cocktail rock and replaced with fir mulch.

And found time to do a taste test of some Auchentoshan we brought back from Scotland last year.

Off on a 3-week adventure in May with stories to follow.