Monthly Archives: January 2024

January, 2024 – Cold and Warm

Unusual weather – several days of rain, then 40cm of snow and a week of below -10 temperatures (dropping down to -23 once), and then 10 days of well above 0 weather and more rain. Managed only one day of skiing in January but saw a couple of movies and two concerts and a dinner in a dome just before the cold weather hit. At the end of the month, almost no snow on the ground and the parsley and grass is green and growing.

Dinner in the Domes at Frinds Winery (He was the fellow that started Plenty of Fish dating site and made several hundred million $, much of which he is spending on buying land, developing vineyards and creating wineries.)

Someone failed to make the downhill corner after a snowfall – just outside of neighbor Klaus’s vineyard. I think they were fine.

Busy in the shop this month. Finally redid the kitchen sink doors after 8 years – Mizuho did not like the solid cherry doors – and made doors for the downstairs bathroom.

Handles will be installed tomorrow and the maple and cherry will darken over time

Basement vanity cabinet now has doors!

Also started on a cabinet / closet for the guest bedroom that will have six drawers and a hanging closet behind three shoji doors. Used the wood we had bought when I thought we were going to build the kitchen cabinets out of cherry. Built the cabinet and milled the rail, made the top and cabinet side, built six drawers and 3 posts. Next step is to install the top and side and the 6 drawers and then build fronts for the drawers. I will then need to figure out how to install a top rail for the shoji screens and install the shoji paper.

Edging being glued on drawers
