Monthly Archives: July 2023

July, 2023 – Rocks and Logs

Spent the long weekend spreading 3/4″ minus road base and tamping it with a compactor, followed by a few m3 of stone dust 2 cm deep. Three pallets of paver stones were delivered a few days later and I began to lay them, a few dozen a day.

Had a visit of sister and Bro in Law and cut down (and up) two firs and a dozen dead poplars. B in Law is very good at this. Moved the cut up fir logs to the drying rack and the branches to the chipping pile. The poplars are across the ditch from the road in a thick forest so I shall likely not get them all out until the fall and the logs/branches from the 2nd fir will need to be hauled up the hill. Also got 1 of the 2 power washers (from an auction) running.

This dying fir was cut down.

Visited the new aircraft museum (built by the founder of Kelowna Aerospace) – impressive CLT and gluelam timber beams and trusses and glass walls. Worth a visit. M got her first birdy and nearly three more. And by mid-July we had enjoyed various types of lettuce, asparagus, raspberries, apricots, peas, snap peas, carrots, onions, peppers, edamame, and herbs from the garden. Off later today to Scotland while our house/dog sitter minds the fort (and waters the garden)

June, 2023 – Road Trip and Blocks

On the house front, some progress. Pulled lots of weeds and spread some mulch. Removed more bushes. Split and stacked 2 years of firewood but need to cut up some logs and trees for the future. Completed low wall around firepit patio. Started retaining wall along driveway – bought 200 plus used blocks and caps from a friend that will take much time to install. Hung up two more shoji screen frames. And the marmots have been especially numerous and active this year. I was able to dispatch one and Taisho got another (his second)! Spent many hours plugging the holes in the rock walls to dissuade them from building dens. Also bought 1/2 of a pig raised on acorns (sort of an Iberico pork) that we shared with some friends. Delicious!

The mulch replaced a forest of weeds. The trees grew from seedlings giving to me by a neighbor. The white blocks are from another friend and the purple ground cover grows better than anything. The plan is to reduce the upkeep – on va voir.
Edge of firepit completed. Had to chip rock in ground, cement a few pieces and the last few are a bit higher than the rest as I ran into a very hard large outcropping.
Spread and compacted a base of 3/4 minus, then added some stone dust as a final top base. Should be mostly done by July 3rd as the patio stones arrive next week.
Site of future retaining wall – about 80 feet long and 3′ high
The start of the wall. 4″ drainage perforated and wrapped pipe below the wall. Progress will be slow over the next few months due to other activities and the fact I am getting too old to do this quickly.
And have finally installed the red shogi frames – they have been on the list for a long time.

On the social side, I was asked to become a board member for the Kelowna Chamber Music Society. We subscribe to the symphony, chamber music, ballet and theatre but the chamber music is the best, in our opinion. And we took a couple of golf lessons that were of immense value before we set off to the Kootenays with some friends for a 4 day road trip to Christina Lake, Rossland, St Eugenie and Nelson. Broke 90 for the first time!

Nelson – overlooking Kootenay lake.
We had two bear delays at Red Mountain. On the first tee, two cubs played in a sand trap beside the green upon which my ball was sitting with the mama keeping watch. On the back nine, the mama and her cubs gamboled across the fairway in front of us. And after the game, the mama fed her cubs right beside the dining patio. Nature.

Next month’s edition will be late as we will be in Scotland at the end of the month.