Monthly Archives: May 2022

May, 2021 – Back to Nature

Back to town in good time for the spring gardening – April was rather cool and wet here. Had our first crop of asparagus and planted all sorts of veggies and flowers (and pulled tons of weeds from the non-garden areas). The cedar hot tub we ordered in October was delayed further and might be ready in August/September. So we decided to order a regular hot tub for delivery in June. This necessitated some modifications.

This will be the site of the hot tub, after digging out the irises and other greenery, excavating by shovel the dirt and river rock about 4″, redoing the irrigation, moving the shogi and clematis and running power from the shop.
Moved some rock and replaced with dirt, mulch and ground cover.

Concerts are back on (we had 5 in May) and saw a truly excellent performance of a commissioned piece, Macbeth, by the Kelowna Ballet. Lots of animals around – cougar sighted just down the road, two adult bears beside the pool next door, a bear and 3 cubs at another neighbor, coyote yips in the evening, a few marmots sniffling about and a turkey vulture has taken up temporary residence on our lower rock face.

He/she flies off every time I walk Taisho up or down the driveway

Next month should see progress on the hot tub, irrigation, outdoor stairs and a few other projects. And I leave you with Taisho in full flight rounding a corner.