Monthly Archives: October 2021

October 2021 – Emergency

Quite a month. Got the furnace serviced (all good) and the two wood stove chimneys swept by the Scottish fellow who installed them (after 6 years he said they were great!). Golfed several times this month and had a last run on the bike last week before storing it for the year. Mizuho has canned and frozen a year’s supply of tomatoes. Sold the wheels/tires from the BMW and some left over wire from the build ( $2k for both). Went to Vancouver to visit my mother and sister, cigars and ink for some pens, Japanese and French dinners, Japanese food supplies and hair cuts. Also ordered a Japanese style tub )although there delivery is only in 36 weeks.

Dug a trench and put in drainage pipe left over from build to drain water from paved area in front of garage. Inspected by Taisho. Works like a charm.
Covered the drainage pipe with river rock.
Neighbor is getting closer to finishing his house after 18 months. This will be his shop. Notice the tree trunk interior posts. I have shop envy as I now have neighbors with shops of 2,000, 4,000, and 6,000 sq ft.
View from room in Pan Pacific. I prefer the Hotel Vancouver but Taisho likes this one better. So guess where we stay. Was a great 3 nights in the big city but we prefer Kelowna.
Neighbor Japanese farmer gave us these Matsutake they picked in the Kootenays. Oishi.
Ordered a Japanese style hot tub like this, although delivery takes 36 weeks. Plan is to build a dining pavilion and deck at the height of the top of the 4′ tub. Cedar Post and Beam .

Many projects were started this month but few were completed. I injured my leg helping a neighbor harvest his grapes and then made it worse over the next few weeks. I couldn’t bend it or put any weight on it but still tried to hobble around. It gave out on me a week ago and I passed out from the pain. Went to emergency the next day and the Doc said it looked like I injured it from overuse and I should have a full recovery in about 3 weeks. Had an MRI on Friday with results next week to see if there are any other issues. Need to get this fixed soon as M and I bought season passes at Big White, the local ski area. Still think I’m in my 40s.

Many projects were started this month and last and few finished. Still hope to pour some concrete this fall, install 4 drawers in the closet, complete the trial epoxy piece and begin to prepare the slab for the dining table, trim limbs and cut down some trees, and a host of other tasks. On va voir.