Monthly Archives: June 2020

June 2020 – 5 Years!

We moved into our house 5 years ago. What a long strange ride its been. But very satisfying and fun. From bare land 6 years ago, and the framing of the footings 5.5 years ago, lots has happened. And the project continues.

This is the view to the west from a drone the sons of friends from Saudi took in June. Lots of trees.
And this is an aerial view. The container is just visible at the top while the new patio with umbrella is behind the garage but the lower parking area is below the photo.
Finally got around to put a glass roof over the front gate with the help of Coop. It keeps two of the stairs and the gate dry and free from snow. The tempered glass is from a sliding door – I purchased 8 of these about 3 years ago and am looking for inspiration for the other 7.
Finished the irrigation, finally, only to have the coolest June on record and one of the wettest. In the distance is one of the 2 maple trees we planted this spring – we have missed the fall colours of Ontario. In the foreground are some kind of ground cover and some young lavender with wild red poppies here and there.
And this is the wood shelter at the back of the container. It will be filled in a few days from other piles around the property. And it will have a red steel roof to match the other roofs by the end of the week. I love it.
And we finally found time to do a bit of winery touring in the south of the valley, the first time we have been there together since we moved here.
Also found time to do a 400km trip to Osoyoos and back with Coop and a 2nd 600kms to New Denver in the Kootenays with Coop and these biker friends who rode part way with us – 5 bikes from 4 countries. Two of them rode to Alaska 2 years ago Also had time for a couple of kayak outings, 4km the first time and 10km the second.
And Taisho continues to enjoy and amaze. Today, he cornered a Marmot who had moved inside the fence and I dispatched it – what a team.
And this is the piece de resistance – a video from the drone of the property, courtesy of Sean and Mark.

So, best to you all in these interesting times. D and M