Monthly Archives: February 2020

February, 2020 – pork and doors

We started the month off with some sausage making with neighbor Klaus and Cam. We made 3 kinds, two fresh with no preservatives (bratwurst and Italian), and one smoked – about 100 links each. Made from pork, milk, water, spices, herbs and some salt. Great fun and very satisfying. Klaus also gave us some smoked pork hock and spec (like prosciutto) that he made. Its nice to have a butcher/winemaker as a neighbor! Also found time for some foreign films and several concerts and David continued to enjoy his seminar on International Relations.

C and E invited us to dinner-on-the-Silverstar-mountain via snow cat. Totally excellent experience. Highly recommended. The cats groom the hills at night and this one has a cabin on the back. Mizuho and I got to ride up front!

The local Mountain Equipment Co-op store in Kelowna had 4 large fir entrance doors for years, the same doors as on their HQ in Vancouver. I noticed the other day they were replaced by glass doors and asked what happened to them. Long story short – we bought all 4 of them for $800 (the manager first asked $500 for each). The are 8.5 feet high and 41″ wide, and weigh about 250 pounds each. The doors are solid core with about a 1/4″ veneer, straight grain on one side and scalloped on the other. Planning to use one for our bedroom door, one for the laundry room door at the front entrance and one for a very large desk. These will be projects for 2021:)

Finally got around eliminating the temporary work bench I built 5 years ago and replacing it with some storage and room for the drill press. One cabinet door is a piece of art we bought locally and the other is made from western maple panels and is intended to hide the electrical panel but allow access to the breakers.

Off to another concert in Vernon on the leap day before turning in earnest to getting the stair railings done, or at least starting them.