Monthly Archives: January 2020

January, 2020

We started the new year off with a bang, or more accurately, a splash, with a Jan 1 polar bear dip in Lake Okanagan. It was invigorating and lots of fun, as I said during my interview on the local TV. I am wearing a Saudi Farwa; perfect for the event. After the dip, we repaired to the RV in the background for some champagne and bites.

Front hall closet (maple veneer and fir edging) finally finished with installation of maple top and toe kick on the bottom. Just started working on transforming a 3″ cedar slab into a front hall closet and have almost finished the last cabinet upstairs which will allow me to finally begin work on the stair railings.

Have been busy with cleaning/organizing the shop and garage (storing, giving away, and throwing out); plowing the driveway (we had 9 snowfalls this month!); preparing lectures and readings for the 4th year seminar course I am giving at UBCO on International Relations (lots of fun and work and a very active and involved class); and several concerts in Kelowna and Vernon. Mizuho expanded her culinary skills to baguettes and a truly excellent galette des rois she made for a French friend of ours. We also enjoyed a day of snowshoeing followed by an excellent 5 course meal (with wine pairings) based around BC truffles at a first nations’ lodge about 2 hrs from here.

And lastly, Taisho continues to charm.