Monthly Archives: November 2019

November, 2019 – Busy, busy

Rented a chipper for the day to chip up all the branches I had been collecting over the past year rather than burning them.  This is Cam the woodworker deconstructing.  We now have a large pile of chips for mulch, compost or pathways.

This pile is about 2m x 3m x 2m

An orchard in the neighborhood was changing from Spartan apples to Ambrosia apples and cherries so offered about 200 of these de-limbed tree trunks for free.  They were green and very heavy, about 3m high.

Will try to use some for woodworking but I expect most will keep the shop warm.

We had our first outdoor fire in our new firebowl and kept warm with our farwa desert coats from Saudi Arabia

The local Kelowna-Kasugai sister city group had a Japanese culture day, including odori dancing.

Cam and I helped our neighbor fill 120 bottles of last year’s crop of pinot noir…

…and he gave me his bandsaw which he hardly uses.  It will have a new home with us and will be available whenever he needs it.

Dear friends from Tokyo came from Vancouver for an overnight visit before returning home.  Always a delight to see them.  Big blog fans 🙂

We had several days of stunning sunsets at the beginning of November – red sky at night, sailers’ delight

Cam, gentleman, cabinet maker and good friend, greatly advanced the house project these past several weeks.  This is a view of the living room side of the front hall closet, with maple veneer and hemlock strips that should darken over time.

Cam also completed the last piece above the upper cabinets, and the corner cherry.   Still not sure about the corner so there made be some changes in the future.

And, Cam made the cabinets above and beside the fridge.  They look great and we have a ton of storage space in the kitchen now – 17 doors and 27 drawers!