Monthly Archives: August 2018

Aug 16, 2018

Work on the house project has been a bit slow this month due to some very hot sunny weather, followed by with smoke from wildfires burning around the province and in Washington State, and a delightful 2 day 700km bike ride through the East Kootenays. The Saudi – Canada spat also consumed a fair bit of time as I was asked to do 4 TV interviews, 3 radio, and 4 press, and finally concluded with an op-ed in the Toronto Star. If you are interested, the following links will get you to:

1. The first TV interview on CBC when the story broke. Gets interesting at the 3 minute mark. 100,000 hits so far –

2. A MSN news piece that was largely composed of bits and pieces from the first interview, and some other sources –

3. The last interview I did with CTV –

4. An op-ed I was asked to write for the Toronto Star – sort of a pro and con debate –

While I have been receiving support for my comments from several former colleagues, I may be removed from some of the Christmas card lists of certain politicians.

Pat lent me his power washer and I have been going to town with it. Cleaned off two rock outcroppings in the back yard, as well as this massive rock wall in front of the shop/garage.  Next step will be to level the parking area and pack it down.

Some progress on the garden/motorcycle storage shed – roof, windows and door, and some critter screening around the bottom.  Still need to do soffit, fascia, corner trim and finish the door/window trim, and install the large double door on the back wall.

And this is the second gate of four, made of cedar 2x4s and some welded wire fencing.

Have also been busy with a non-house project – details next month.

Aug 2018

Neighbor’s vines from a few weeks ago, coming along well.  Currently eating local blackberries, blueberries, cherries, plums, and apricots with peaches around the corner.  Work has slowed a bit as it has been very hot (up to 35 a few days).

Completed a firewood shelter beside the shop made of four 4×4 posts, a 4×4 beam, five rafters, some lath on the ends and the rafters, and a metal roof.   Wood is from trees on the property that had been cut to length over the past 2 years and split this month.  Almost 2 cords should be lots for the winter!  Side of garden shed is in the back, awaiting roof, windows, doors and one more side.  Currently working on gate beside firewood shelter.  Fencing material arrived today! 

One gate and 2 steps mostly completed.  Gap will be filled with welded wire fence and a few more rocks will be placed beside the steps.  Steps will be topped with river rock once we get the 5 tons we need (not too urgent).

Enjoyed the 1st Annual Upper Booth Sip and Dine Evening wherein 16 of us visited 7 houses in the neighborhood.  A great time was had by all.  We served Greek style harumaki,  Pineau des Charente with white wine, and ouzo.  Also went to see the play Midsummer’s Night Dream outdoors at Spearhead Winery.  While not my favorite play by Bill, it was very well done and most enjoyable.

And the big news is I shot a 42 for nine holes the other day, including 7 putts for birdie (of which I made 1). By far the best round I have ever had.