Monthly Archives: January 2018

January, 2018

A slow start to the year, as my hand is still recovering (physio exercises four times a day); can now grip tools and material at about 70%.  Consequently, I have been planning/drawing next projects, such as a post and beam equipment shed, front hall closet and kitchen drawer fronts.  We are also planning to put in a fence around the back of the house and garage to keep deer out and future dog in and will need to figure out how to do it.  Otherwise, we have been busy snowshoeing around the property (lots of snow this winter and quite mild), and working on indoor projects.  M has been covering chabakos (tin-lined tea chests) in fabric we picked up over the years, and I have been going through two boxes of records and digitizing the tracks I want to keep (while my tastes have evolved over the years, I had a good ear 40 years ago).   After purchasing some used shelving units, I was also able to finally unpack many boxes of books and mementos and set up the stereo.  Am now shopping for new speakers however, as my university-era JBLs disintegrated after 10 years in storage.

Below is a view from south of the property, with Coop’s van in the foreground, and snow covered trees.

Records, newly organized den and a tea box.

And for your viewing pleasure – When Canada and the U.S. hosted a meeting of the Sending States in Vancouver, Global News interviewed me for their national newscast.  They only used one short clip (in which I disagreed with the Foreign Ministers).  Not something I was able to do publically when I was working 🙂