Monthly Archives: January 2017

January, 2017 – Off to a fun albeit slow start

Dear Friends, a most happy new year to you!  2017 started a bit slowly for us as I was ill with a cold for about 2 weeks.  We then got involved in a lot of social activities – dinners, movies, concerts (Beethoven and Blues), ballet rehearsals, and other fun stuff.  As such, progress on the house has been a bit slow.  Having realized that life and leisure will occupy a greater part of our days, and progress on the rest of the work on the house will slow somewhat, I thought it appropriate that I provide, punctually, one update a month, at or around the end of each month.  This is the first installment.

Been doing a bit of snowshoeing and playing in the snow – this is a snowdog modeled on Daisuke.

snow shiba

We have been having an unusually cold winter with very little snow melting. As you can see, I have burned a lot of wood in the shop stove.

fire log

Good news is the Bobcat has been running well, ever since I replaced the starter.  I have only used it twice since November as the ATV does a great job in plowing the drive.


Below is the landing going down.  I am installing natural maple flooring around the perimeter, and will use stained maple in the middle (waiting on my supplier for the wood).


Have revised my plan for the upstairs bookshelf. I was originally going to make a sort of Inuksuk out of birch but then decided to just make one long top.


bookshelf top

I am expecting to make lots of progress in February so I should have a fulsome update in a month.